Thanks to a number of volunteers we have been able to partially translate these products into a number of languages. This process is heavily handicapped by the Author only speaking English, so many thanks to the people involved. Full credit will appear here in the near future,
Converting the software is a large effort, so we are attempting to "roll out" this process by converting various components in order or ease. These include
- ToolTips These are the strings that when you hold your mouse over certain controls. They are intended to act as one-line help strings
- The Menu text. These are the menu options that are available.
- The Dialog text. These are the strings that appear on various windows that pop up when running the program.
- Information and error messages. These are the status messages displayed when the conversion is taking place.
- The Windows Help file This is the help file invoked when you press F1 while the program is running
- The HTML documentation. The main documentation file(s).
The first four form part of the program each time it is run. It is planned to have one version of the program support all current languages, at least initially while the number of langauages is small.
The last two are major documents. As such these will be translated last (if at all), and will probably be made available as separate downloads. As yet neither of these files has been translated.
Note, as of version 3.3 the program supports the use of "language skins". These are files that contain all the text used in the user interface. You can create your own "skins" simply by editing one of these files to create your own file which may be loaded into the program. An example of a "language skin" can be seen here. If you create any new skins, please email them to info<at> with a view to having them distributed with the software.
At present efforts are underway to translate AscToHTM into
- German. Kindly volunteered by Stefanie Guim Marcé (stgm<at>, and maintained by Sandy McGregor and Joan Marsh
- Spanish. Kindly volunteered by Gonzalo San Martin (G.SanMartin<at> who runs a number of English/Spanish web pages including a huge Real Madrid fan page (see
- Portuguese. Kindly volunteered by Ana Maria G. F. de Mello (anagfm<at>
- Italian. Kindly volunteered by Gianluigi Pizzuto (gibly<at> who has a web page at
- Swedish. Kindly volunteered by Dan Svarreby
- French. Kindly volunteered by Andre Martinez
- Russian. Kindly volunteered by Alexander (aka J-34)
If you'd like to help with this effort, please email us at info<at>
(Note, replace "<at>" by "@" to use any of the above email addresses)
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